Props are not just to make a photo look good. They are also used to tell a story. Even the smallest prop can be meaningful and help bring your personal branding shoot to life. Getting your props on point can also reflect your personal style, which will give people a better idea of what you or your business is all about.

But how do you choose your props? What kind of props inspires authenticity? How can you make sure that your setup doesn’t look too set up?

When looking for inspiration, Pinterest (yes, it is still up!) is a great resource for prop ideas but the sheer amount of stuff that you’ll find there can be a little overwhelming, too. Looking at how other players in your industry did their shoot can also be helpful but it comes with the danger of feeling compelled to just do what they did (which can backfire because their props are tailored to work for them -- not for you). 

So to help guide you in setting up the scene, we’ve created this list of the most popular and effective props for personal branding shoots.

1. Capture your morning routine

How you spend your mornings can say a lot about you as a person and as a brand. The very way that you start your day can be a message itself. Do you start slow with a cup of coffee and a book in your lap?  Perhaps you enjoy journaling while sipping on tea? Or maybe you literally hit the ground running each morning by going for a jog at dawn? Others prefer to cuddle their children or their pets or spend time meditating. 

Whatever you do to get going in the mornings, these are all potential prop and setting options for your personal branding shoot.

2.Bring out that mood board 

Putting together a mood board is a fantastic way to turn your thoughts into something you can see and touch. If you want to get really clear on your goals, targets, ambitions, and narrative, create a deconstructed mood board for your shoot. The process is pretty fun too especially if you do it with friends or with a group of like-minded people! 

You can use anything you like for this, let your imagination run wild. Unleash your creativity. Make it interesting by using different textures, paints, fabric, cutouts, and photos. And because you will document the final product, make sure that it looks professional and not like something a child brought home from school. You should also make sure that every element you use fully represents your brand.

If you’ve done this before and you have your mood board on the wall of your home office, then you already have the perfect prop! You just have to set the shot as if you’re in the process of making it, laying out the different elements that you used to create the mood board.

3. Enjoy a snack (or appear like it!)

Using food and drink in your imagery is a genius way to connect with your audience. They even do this in the movies! 

Having something as simple as a cup of coffee in your photo can make you appear more relatable and approachable. Very few people don’t like coffee! Moreover, almost anyone knows someone trustworthy who drinks coffee. But it’s not just java, other types of food and drink can have the same effect.

If there’s one thing to keep in mind when using food as a prop, it’s this: Don’t make it look like a stock photo or a food advert.

To make sure that the food doesn’t take away from your message, add in other personal objects to ensure the photos relate back to you. For example, adding in a copy of your favorite book or one of your products is the perfect way to make the shot more you.

4. Use your tools of the trade

This one is easy, but it always works! Think about the tools you use to get your job done. For most people, that’s their laptop. For podcasters, their studio, or their headphones and mic setup. For designers and artists, it’s their sketchbooks. You get the idea! Featuring the objects that you use for work is a pretty straightforward way to communicate what you do. 

You can also use the place where you get things done as the setting for your personal brand shoot. If you’re a realtor, have your photos taken in one of the beautiful properties that you help sell. If you make wedding cakes, take photos in your kitchen. Your home office is a great place to have your personal brand photos taken, too.

Finding a prop for your personal branding shoot doesn’t need to be difficult. In fact, you’re surrounded by potential props every day, you simply need to look hard enough and think outside the box.

Do you have any questions about personal branding or branding photography? Leave a comment below or shoot us a DM -- we are on Instagram as @bravoimage_branding!