If you want your personal brand to be a success, it’s essential to be consistent. Consistency applies to so many things when you’re creating and growing a personal brand. Overall, being consistent paints the picture that your customers can rely on you and that you’re stable.

A personal brand that’s consistent in its imagery or messaging is:

  • More trustworthy
  • Easier to remember
  • Resonates better with its target market

But how do you achieve consistency?

It all starts with getting crystal clear on what your personal brand represents. Start by identifying your core values and how you can share these values through your marketing. 

For example, do you want to convey that you are reliable and deliver results on time? Do you want to show potential customers that you are warm, present, and working with you will make them feel heard and understood?

While copy or written content is helpful in communicating your values, what grabs people in most platforms today are images.

Imagery is an important part of marketing and in this case, a picture really is worth a thousand words. With the help of the right photography, personal branding photos can be a powerful tool. Here’s how you can use these photos to be more consistent.

Update Your Website

Do you have a photo on your website? If not, newsflash: people want to see a face behind the business. If yes, when was this photo taken? If it’s something that was taken 5 years ago when you first started your business, then it might not represent you as well as it did in the past.

When people visit your site, they should get a clear idea of who they could potentially be doing business with. It should convey what it’s like working with you and the kind of results they can expect. Many people will encounter your brand for the first time via your website, so this should be where they first see who you are and find out what they can expect.

Enhance Your Social Media Presence

We all spend A LOT of time on social media. More often than not, people who are interested in your services or products will explore your social media after they visit your website. It could also be the other way around: they’ll find you on social media and seek your website for more comprehensive information.

Make sure that your branding is consistent and that visitors see similar photos of you on your social media profiles. This will build trust and confirm they’re dealing with the same person. The same applies to the logos, colors, and types of stock images or product photography you use. You can even use your personal branding photos to create ads on Facebook and Instagram.

Just remember to optimize image sizes for the social media platform or website that you are using so that the photos are not oddly cropped. One image size could look fantastic on Facebook but totally off on Twitter. And nothing’s worse than having a potential client see only a quarter of your face on your website because you are using the incorrect image size. 

Add a Personal Touch to Your Marketing Material

Lastly, you can also use your personal branding photos on your promotional materials. When clients are once again being met with the same or similar images, it creates a sense of familiarity, which turns into trust.

Your brochures or downloadable freebies could offer a wealth of information that someone finds useful. Make sure that they can link that back to you, the creator. And let’s face it, with the abundance of promotional materials out there, surely you don’t want anyone to confuse yours with anyone else’s.

When Planning Your Personal Branding Shoot Remember to…

  • Schedule a consultation call with your photographer to see if you’re a good fit for each other. Here are 5 questions you can ask them.
  • Discuss the shot list. A shot list is a list of photographs you want to end up with as a result of the shoot. 
  • Plan for a wide selection of images. Think of all the marketing avenues you want to use your images on and shoot those so you can make the most of your personal branding session.

Don’t let your brand fall prey to confusing and inconsistent messaging by not investing in personal branding photos. Together with a compelling copy, you’ll be converting visitors into fans, and fans into customers in no time.

Do you need personal branding advice? Personal branding ideas? Follow us on Instagram!